
(CVPR 2017) Pointnet:Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation

Qi C R, Su H, Mo K, et al. Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation[J]. Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2017, 1(2): 4.

1. Overview

  • Most method based on 3D voxel grids or collections of images, unnecessary and computation cost
  • Point clounds are simple and unified structures, invariant to permutations.

In this paper, it proposed PointNet

  • directly consumes unordered point clouds (xyz coordinate plus color etc)
  • using symmetric function (maxpooling)
  • using STN to aligned points
  • learn critical points set (contribute to the results of maxpooling) and upper-bounded shapes (all point has nothing to do with maxpooling)

1.1. Contribution

  • design PointNet for 3D point set
  • exploit to classification, segmentation
  • empirical and theoretical analysis on stability and efficiency
  • illustrate 3D features computed by the selected neurons

1.2.1. Point Cloud Feature

  • handcrafted

1.2.2. Deep Learning on 3D Data

  • Volumetric CNN
  • FPNN
  • Vote3D
  • Multiview CNN
  • Spectral CNN
  • Feature-based DNN

1.2.3. DL on Unordered Set

1.3. Properties of Point Sets

  • Unorderd. Invariant to permutation
  • Interaction among points. neighbouring points form a meaningful subset
  • Invariant under transformation. not modify the global point cloud category and segmentation of the points.

1.4. Network

1.4.1. Three key modules

  • maxpooling ā€“> unordered
  • a local and global information combination structure
    Segmentation requires a combination of local and global knowledge.
  • two joint alignment networks
    Transformation matrix in the feature space has much higher dimension (64*64) which greatly increase the difficulty of optimization. So constrain it to be close to orthogonal matrix

1.5. Formulation

  • using g (maxpooling + single variable function) and h (MLP) to approximate f, so

  • For two sets S and Sā€™. the their distance is small, the mapping f of them is also similar
  • And f can be approximated by PointNet

  • If T (input corruption) contains the critical point set of S, it is unchanged. Based on this, if T contains some noise (not beyond upper-bounded shape), it is also unchanged

  • critical point set only contains a bounded number of points (at most each K points contribute to one dimension of K dimensions global feature)

1.6. Dataset

  • Classification. ModelNet40
  • Part Segmentation. ShapeNet part dataset
  • Semantic Segmentation. Stanford 3D semantic parsing dataset

2. Experiments

2.1. Classification

  • uniformly sample 1024 points on mesh faces according to face area and normalize them into a unit sphere

2.2. Part Segmentation

2.3. Semantic Segmentation & Detection

  • baseline. handcrafted point features

2.4. Order-Invariant Methods

2.5. Alignment

2.6. Robust

2.7. Time and Space